Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tomorrow Will Be Bean's BIRTH Day!!!!

My blood pressure has been high again so I have been in the hospital since yesterday. The docs did all kinds of tests including an Amnio and Bean's lungs are mature enough for delivery, so tomorrow is the day!!! I am scheduled for an 8 am c-section!! And I cannot wait to meet my little Princess!! We are still playing the Name Game so it will be exciting to actually see and hold her and I am hoping that will help us decide!

I will post pics and updates as soon as I can!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Bedrest Baby

It has been an eventful week. I went to an OB appointment last Tuesday and my blood pressure was high. Over the 2 hours I was there it didn't come down so my doctor said he needed to admit me for a 24 hour observation. He said that I would also do a 24 hour urine test, which basically means you pee into a jug over the course of 24 hours and then it gives you a result of how much protein is being spilled into the urine. My doctor said if the BP came down and the protein is low enough I could go home. However, if the BP stayed up and the protein was too high it would be an official pre-eeclamnpsia diagnosis and I would have to stay in the hospital until Bean could be delivered. SO of course, I panicked for a minute. I was remembering my last pregnancy and several weeks of hospital bedrest. I told the doc I needed to go home and get the boys situated and get a bag. He agreed I coudldleave since I didn't have a headache or blurry vision but I need to be back after dinner to be admitted.

My mom was at the house with the boys. When I got home and walked in, Cenzo said. "Mama what's wrong?" I said "Nothing , why?" He insisted soemthing was wrong with me. It was so strange how he picked up a vibe that I didn't mean for him to get. I sat down with the boys and explained that I was going to sleep over at the hospital so that my docotr could check out me and Baby Bean to make sure everything is ok.

Cenzo had a million questions. He wanted to know, could he go with me? What was I going to wear to sleep? Was there a bed there? Was the doctor going to take the baby out of my belly? How was he going to get the baby out? What is the name of the tool the doctor would use to get her out?

After I explained that Stregga was going to sleep overnight with them at our house, Luccio had a few questions too. He wanted to know, could he watch a movie? And could he have chocolate milk? Once I agreed to both of those he said "Ok, bye Mama."

I ended just being in the hospital for the 24 hours. My BP came down a bit, still elevated but better. And there wasn't a very high level of protein in my urine. SO they let me come home on bedrest.

I have been resting since Tuesday and I was a bit bored of it yesterday but Hubby reminded me that in just 8 more days our Bean will be here and I will have 3 little ones to care for and will not rest again until they go to college, so that out it in perspective, LOL!!!

On Friday I had an ultrasound to check on Bean's growth and she weighs an estimated 8 pounds!!! WOW!! I reached the 36 week milestone yesterday too. SO next Tuesday the 27th is the BIG DAY-the scheduled c-section. I cannot wait to see this baby girl!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Can you hear me??

A few months ago I was cleaning out bins of baby clothes and items from the boys to see if there was anything I could reuse for the new baby. I found a "listening device" that lets you listen to the womb noises of your unborn baby. It also has a microphone so you can talk ot the baby! Well, needless to say it was a big hit with the boys!! They really enjoy wearing the headset to listen to their sister. And they love it even more that they can talk to her with the microphone! They are pretty loud to begin with so they really don't need to be amplified for her to hear them, so I have to tunr the volume way down. But, they get so much enjoyment out of it and its a great way to bond. So we put the womb sound device on my belly and they chat away to the baby. Luccio asks her over and over, "Can you hear me?? Baby Bean, can you hear me??" Cenzo sings songs like, "I see the Moon" and "Rock A Bye Baby."

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Belly Painting 33.3 Weeks

Well, I am officially more pregnant now than I have ever been before. I made it to 32.5 weeks with the boys and I have now surpassed that milestone, WOO HOO!! And my belly is GI-Normous!!!!!! Last week my ultrasound showed that the Bean is estimated to weight 6.8 pounds already, that is bigger than her brothers were when they came home from the hospital at 4 weeks old!!!

The size of my belly brings children flocking to me, children who do not belong to me, shy children even come up to me and want to touch the belly! It even inspires artistic tendencies in small children!! LOL!!

The other night at dinner, Cenzo says out of the blue, "Mama, I want to paint your belly." What??? He said, "It's so big! I want to paint it." I thought that was hilarious, I mean I have seen pictures of people who paint and decorate their pregnant bellies, but have never considered such a thing for myself. I don't know what made him think of it, but he was pretty insistent. I told him I had to get special paints to do that. So he asked every day this week if I had bought the paints yet. I did end up finding bubble bath paint and thought that would be good.

So last night before their bath I took out the paints and let Cenzo and Luccio get their brushes and go to town decorating the biggest belly they have ever seen!

It was a lot of fun and I think the Bean liked it too because she was moving around like crazy!!
Of course, painting my belly turned into the boys painting their own bellies and each others bellies and their backs, and hair, etc. So a bath was much needed when they were done!!