Some moments of distraction have come in the form of UPS deliveries. Almost every afternoon the UPS truck is in our neighborhood. Who gets all of these deliveries I can't help but wonder? What is in those packages?
Thanks to a couple of very thoughtful friends we recently had some UPS deliveries of our own and wow! Bella and I were very surprised by not only the gifts, but the UPS driver. He is SO cute!!
Bella and I have many differences. She is much quieter, calmer and more organized. She enjoys cooking and baking and cleaning. All of the things I cannot stand to have to do.
But, one thing we can agree on, despite out 30 year age difference, is that it takes a certain type of man to look hot with a man bun. And our UPS driver wears it well.
He has been a highlight of the quarantine. He arrives on our street like clockwork and diverts our attention for a few minutes just by walking down the road. We never get tired of saying to ourselves, "Well helloooo Mr. Man Bun." I also love changing up lyrics to old songs and singing it loud and off key, "Mr. Man Bun dream me a dream make him the cutest that I've ever seen!"
My sons cannot stand it. They think we are awful. But, Bella, the dog and I wait at the window with no shame!
Sometimes when I am stressed out from hearing an overwhelming COVID news report or reading an article that is too intense with too many death tolls, I find my mind wandering. Sometimes, it's too much to think about. So I let my mind drift. Sometimes I think about the goggle marks on Trump's face and I wonder...how does he get that orange color? Does he have his own tanning bed? Where does he keep it?
To reign myself back in to more pleasant thoughts, I think of Mr. Man Bun. Sometimes I wonder, why does it have to be called a Man Bun? Why can't it just be a man with a bun?
Ahhh, then I get back to reality and teaching and cleaning and dishes and taking pictures of my dog, and using ridiculous snap chat filters.
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