Vincnzo pretty much wears what I put out for him, his only hang up is whether its long sleeves or short sleeves. And he changes his mind so often on which is better that I have been just telling him to pick his own shirt if he doesn't approve of my choice for the day. Other than that he is fairly easy about clothing. I guess I expected him to be the fashionista, since he always notices everyone's clothes and comments on how beautiful he thinks something is and is outspoken when he disapproves of my wardrobe choice for myself.
But, it's The Bear, Luccio, that has turned into the Diva. Thankfully he wears a uniform to school so it limits his choices. But, goodness he finds things to worry about. The shirts can't be too long, he doesn't like pants that button, he wants to wear a sweatshirt, but not put the hood up because it will mess his hair. And his HAIR! Now that is a project. Every morning he wants me to give him "Rock Star Hair." This entails lots of hair gel and plenty of time for him to check in the mirror to see if I have styled him just right. And he is so picky with how much hair needs to be sticking up, etc. Today he told me he wants Sponge Bob Hair. Does Sponge Bob even have hair??
I have heard the worst years are yet to come. So I will enjoy the crazy styles my kids come up with while it's still cute. I have a feeling it won't be long before those high school days arrive and I will have to be on the lookout for clothes that are far more inappropriate than mittens in the spring and sandals in the winter.