Sunday, October 31, 2010

Princess Party

My brother's fiancee walked in to Isabella's 1st Birthday party and couldn't get over all the Princess-ness of it all. She said she didn't realize what a big deal a first birthday would be. I had to laugh! I had just told Hubby as we were preparing for the party, that this was a BIG day for me. And for Isabella too of course. I have waited 35 years to celebrate my daughter's first birthday. From the time I could crawl I played with dolls and was always a "Mommy." And I always pictured myself someday with a baby girl dressed in pink and bows and tiaras. My boys were a nice surprise times 2!! Twin boys were a possibility that I never saw coming, LOL! It's fun being a mother of boys. I get lots of love and hugs and adventure with them. And I get to see the world from a different perspective as I try to raise Men who will contribute something special to our society. But, there is something about having a daughter that makes me feel part of something infinite. From the beginning of time Mothers and Daughters have passed traditions on that helped shape the lives of their families and society as a whole. To have that connection to the past and that hope for the future is an awesome experience. I look at Isabella and I think of how blessed I am to be a part of her life. We have had an amazing first year together. And since this is my third baby I know that there is no year like the first. Snuggling and nursing around the clock. Being the light of her life. Being the person that comforts her through all of life's circumstances, being her guide, her nurturer, her source of nutrition. I have a role in her life right now that has a limited time frame. Every day I see myself moving to the side a bit as she grows into herself more and more. Her personality is emerging, her likes and dislikes are being communicated loud and clear now. She wants to get down, she wants to explore and find out for herself what is going on in the world. So I know it will be time soon to step back and let her be her own person. I really enjoyed this first year. I love that special time of being with a newborn baby and giving them everything you have to give in all aspects. But, there is something wonderful about watching a toddler find out how things work that is awe inspiring. So I know I will enjoy this next phase too, just like I do with her brothers. I can only hope that as she grows I will be able to foster a relationship with her like my mother did with me. To have that kind of connection where you can know you are loved 100% no matter what is the best and I want Isabella to know that feeling. My Mom is my best friend in the world and I hope one day my Baby Girl will think the same way of me. In the meantime I am enjoying every minute of the dresses, tiaras, and sparkle while she still likes it!!

"The formative period for building character for eternity is in the nursery. The mother is queen of that realm and sways a scepter more potent than that of kings or priests."

~Author Unknown~

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Measuring Up

There are different degrees of friendship and over the years those relationships change and shift over and over again. But, it's a true friend that can come over for a visit and see your life in it's "natural state." Some people you may need to spend 2 days cleaning and scrubbing in preparation for their visit, others you may just run a vacuum over scuzzy floors and put on a bra. And then there are the friends that you are comfortable with and know will accept you no matter what and those poor friends get no prep time whatsoever. The Better the Friendship~The More Mess you can leave around!! Yesterday my friend Shannon came to visit. We have been friends since college. She knows me well. We only get to talk every so often and visit a couple times a year, but we always pick up right where we left off. I was excited for her visit, especially since it was the 4th night in a row that Hubby was working late and I was home alone for the dinner and bedtime routine with the kids. Reinforcements were greatly needed and much appreciated and I was so happy to have someone keep me company!! I ran around all day dropping the kids off at school, meeting up with my brother, picking up kids from school having a playdate with one of Cenzo's friends. So by 3pm when I got home with all the kids I had no energy left. By some miracle they all went for nap and I looked around at the laundry piles, dishes and overall mess and thought I really should clean before Shannon gets here. But, instead I sat on the couch and woke up an hour later when Shannon knocked on the door. I made a half hearted attempt to apologize for the smell of dirty diapers that permeated the air and the piles of kids stuff strewn about. But, Shannon assured me she didn't care and I was just tired enough to believe her. She jumped right in helping me get the kids up from nap and entertaining them while I made dinner and then we got everyone fed. After dinner, she graciously offered to entertain the Little Ones while I checked emails and took a hot bath. DELIGHTFUL!! I was so excited for that break! And the kids LOVED having time with Auntie Shan. She did puzzles with them and played with toys. And at bedtime she settled the boys down with bedtime books and stories while I put the Princess to sleep. Having the extra help was so nice and everyone slept so good!! I loved getting to chat with Shannon and catch up on her life amid all of the chaos!! I was happy that my "real life" didn't bother her. Even though though it was busy, it was relaxing too because I didn't feel pressure to entertain, I was able to just be myself and the kids were certainly comfortable enough to be themselves. Poor Shannon!!

The best part is the smell, the mess and the noise didn't scare her off. She even offered to babysit the Littles so Hubby and I can go out one night! OMG!! Friends like that are PRICELESS!!!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Betch Video

Here is The Betch Story straight from Luccio. Enjoy!!

The Betch

The other day Luccio proclaimed, "Mama you're a betch!" He said it with such zeal and pride and kept on saying it. My immediate thought was "who has been talking about me in front of him??" The list of possibilities is long. Hmmm.... I wasn't sure how to address it so I did what most Moms would do (especially the betches) and I ignored it. Finally, when he said it again a few days later I realized what he meant. He came up to me and with such love said, "Mama you're a betch! You're a betch ever Mama." Hubby and I looked at each other. Luccio said again, "You're a betch ever, EVER!!"

Then it hit me and I said, "I am the BEST ever?"

"Yeah, Mama!! You are a Betch EVER!"

Oh, I love that little Bear!!