It is a two level store, so we went through the entire place and checked it all out before making our purchase selections. Vincenzo never wavered, he knew which Bitty Baby he wanted and he knew he wanted the crib and clothing for him. Of course, he was shopping with Stregga so he left with bags full of treasures. Both boys also picked stuffed dogs that they loved! We thought the dogs would be what Luccio would be happy with. But, he wasn't leaving without a Bitty Baby twin, he wanted the blond boy doll. Of course he couldn't understand that you don't just pick one off the shelf, you have to take the ones in the boxes. So he had a fit. He wanted the one from the shelf. And he wanted the hoodie it came with. Of course, you can't buy the hoodie separately, it only comes with the set of 2 dolls and all the extras-that we did not need. Luccio was crying and saying his birthday was "ruined" because he really wanted that hoodie for his doll. Luckily Ed saved the day and made special arrangements for the birthday boy to have the hoodie he wanted. Oh the drama!!
Next we had a delicious lunch in the cafe! The Bitty Babies were seated in their own high chairs and served their own cups, so cute!!!
On the ride home Cenzo cradled Alvin Coconut like the newborn he hoped for. But, Luccio's unnamed doll had only his diaper left on and was dancing inappropriately for most the 2 hour ride creating a lot of laughter in the backseat. Until Cenzo finally got sick of it and told him to tell his guy that it wasn't appropriate to act that way around a newborn.
Since arriving home, Unnamed Doll stays in Luccio's bed. He is not catered to in any way, but he holds a special spot among the stuffed animals and is always checked on to be sure he is there for bedtime.
Cenzo's baby, Alvin Coconut requires a bit more care. The first night Cenzo tucked his baby into his new crib with blankets and Fluffy. The next morning began a new tradition of the boys carrying out Alvin's crib to the living room, they each take a side. So funny! A weary Cenzo informed me, "It's a lot of work being a Daddy. I was up most of the night watching on my baby. I rested a little, but not much." Welcome to parenthood my friend.
There was moment of panic that first morning when Cenzo realized Alvin Coconut could not go to school with him. In the end it was agreed upon that Alvin would be strapped into his own carseat and take the ride to school, but not get out of the car. Isabella and I were recruited as babysitters. We were given a long, very detailed list of what to do and what not to do. He wrote some notes for us in case we forgot. Of course his notes looked like a bunch of letters and circles, but he explained what they meant.
Alvin Coconut's care instructions:
-He likes to drink his milk. He drinks from a bottle only. (I guess implying no one should nurse Alvin Coconut??) But, he does have a "machine" (cardboard box aka breast pump??) that his Daddy left for us to get him more milk when he needs it.
-He should have milk at least 3 or 40 times a day
-Alvin likes to wear his pink flowered sleeper. This is not pajamas and does not mean he is a girl. It's just his "Day Clothes." He really likes his Day Clothes. If he needs pajamas he can wear his blue sleeper, but he prefers his pink Day Clothes.
-He can sleep in his crib, with a blanket. He must have a blanket. And a hat when possible. It's best if the hat and blanket match.
-He is little and not used to sleeping alone, so his crib has to be in the room with me or Isabella at all times. If we are napping he can nap next to us, but can't be left in a room alone.
-He is brand new and doesn't understand things yet. So he can't be bad, so he can not be put in time out.
-He likes to be held upright in your arms. If you hold him back too far it makes him sleepy and his eyes close. Only hold him that way if it's time for him to sleep.
-He likes to be held a lot. Try to hold him a lot of the day.
-Don't let him cry, if he cries feed him or hold him a lot more.
-He likes to go out, but he needs his carseat in the car.
I have to admit I was stressed the first day because Isabella and I had quite the responsibility in caring for Alvin Coconut. Especially since he comes with a Baby Record book and I had to check off if we fed, rocked, changed and held him!
Isabella likes Alvin and will often look at him and say, "Cenzo Baby." And she holds him a lot. But, truth be told Alvin spends most of his days in the Mom Mobile either with Isabella and I while we run errands, or on his own while we do whatever we do.
But, at the end of every day we are accountable to tell his Daddy about his activities. So we try to be sure to hold him a bit. And I always make sure to think of a few highlights like Alvin liked going to Isabella's mommy & me class, he visited Stregga, etc. I have to be specific because his Daddy likes to know how many hours did he sleep? How many ounces did he drink? Luckily for me his Daddy still hasn't gotten the whole Math thing down, so he is happy to hear Alvin slept for 27 hours and drank 152 ounces of milk.
Vincenzo has gotten some odd looks and comments from people, even some laughter. People can't quite get why a boy would want his birthday at American Girl store and cafe. They are a bit taken aback when he comes running in with his baby and stroller and diaper bag. It was especially a bit of a shock when he went on a sleepover at a friend's house and arrived with Alvin Coconut and his crib. He takes it in stride. He gets a bit shy or embarrassed when he takes Alvin to a new place or someone's house. He feels the environment out for awhile before he is comfortable including Alvin in socializing. One day he put him in bag and left him next to him. At other times he knows he is in a nurturing environment and unloads all of Alvin's treasures and clothes and shares him with people around him.We have very loving family and friends and they have all welcomed Alvin.
I hate that Cenzo knows to feel uncomfortable in any way for being a loving little guy. But, I am proud that he doesn't let that stop him. In fact, he has even recruited a few friends into his Stroller Brigade. He had his brother and his best friend James actually fighting over which strollers they would use, LOL!
Like Stregga says, he is a good Daddy and has obviously received a lot of love and nurturing. And he has the Best Daddy Ever as a role model!
Oh I just love that he wanted to go to the American Girl store. I'm so surprised that they don't get more boys from time to time. But way to go Cenzo. I think it's adorable. I think more parents should encourage their little boys to be nurturing like that. I just love the list of things he left for you to do. Just so sweet! =)
ReplyDeleteThis is an adorable post. It reminds me how innocent kids are. Cenzo knows the basics. "I was loved and I want a baby to feel loved." I think that is great. It speaks volumes of how much love he feels from such supportive an wonderful parents. Awesome role models. His babysitting note is hilarious but it's everything he sees you doing with Isabella. Love is all he knows and there isn't anything wrong with that. You are raising wonderful little men.