According to my BFF/Guru, happiness is like a brick. One evening at Happy Hour, we talked about how the flat part of the brick is like the shit pile of real life and happiness is the teeny-tiny space of stuff holding it together. But, that didn't sound NEARLY as inspirational as we needed it to be. So, over wine and apps, we had a further discussion about how when you are used to the highs and lows of life's ups and downs, you can easily get so desensitized to the chaos and noise. When it is finally quiet you don't know what to do. Happiness can be like a brick because life can be flat for a while before getting to the little blips in between that brings excitement. In the content moments of life there can be confusion. Quiet can quickly be perceived as boring. But, when you let yourself sit, and take in the quiet you start to realize it is actually contentment and that quiet life can be quite enjoyable. When you start to take out the negative energy of toxic people and start to say no to things that used to feel like obligations, you start to have time to just BE. Day to day life can feel monotonous, routine can seem like it's stifling- it can seem flat...until you start to see the possibility it brings. When life is predictable you can be in a better place to make decisions. When you are not constantly in survival or crisis mode, you can calmly assess situations and discern which path to take. That brings a whole new level of opportunities. You can start choose a new hobby, read a new book, visit a new place, meet new people, have new relationships, truly explore all of your options. Quiet brings time to discern. And every once in a while on the path there is a blip of excitement. If you keep going long enough you will get to it, you will. Every brick ends and a new one begins. Happiness is there, in the small spaces in between. In what holds it all together. Sometimes you just have to get through the shit piles to get to it.
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