My first example of Wooing was from my parents. My Dad loved to surprise my mom with flowers, jewelry etc. He was a bit over the top to say the least! He never bought just one dozen of roses - nope, he would buy 4! Once, he arrived home with an entire pick up truck filled with mums! It was hilarious and crazy and SO him!! My mom however likes simple and would have been happy with a single hand-picked rose, so it it made it even funnier to see how their extremely opposite personalities interacted. It worked for them! During the 40 years of their marriage, he continued to Woo her!
One boyfriend from my teen years was a Woo-er. His Wooing strategies ranged from showing off his BMX bike tricks to filling my room with roses and balloons to surprise me on my birthday. He wrote me cards and gave me his class ring (which he got in trouble for from his mom and she came to my house and took it back!) But, I was young. Though I liked the Wooing, he wasn't The One. Years later we reconnected and he still had his Wooing down to a science with flowers and cards and candy and stuffed animals to brighten my day and he loved to cook me meals and show off his culinary skills. It was fun! But, he was STILL not The One. So I moved on. Even more years later, after I was married and had children, he tried to reconnect with me and sent poems... from prison. Still wasn't The One.
I've always loved Grand Gestures. Probably because I grew up watching General Hospital and too many 80s Rom-Coms. But, the Grand Gestures make the romance feel alive for me! I like the Wooing.
My ex-husband was a Master of Grand Gestures and Wooing. When we were dating he brought flowers, painted pictures for me, wrote me a song, brought me to see the Lion King with front row seats and took me on an impromptu Road Trip to Disney. Romance was alive and fun! Even through almost a decade of marriage he marked every anniversary with flowers and jewelry or other fun and thoughtful surprises. The letters and cards were always my favorite. They meant the most in the end. Words of love.
Dating since Divorce has been a whole new adventure in Wooing.
I am not sure if it is because it is different decade now, or because I am older, or if it is that I am meeting people that are not my "typical type," but how I perceive romance has changed.
At first, when I began dating again, I gravitated towards more of the same- traditional yet artsy men. Woo-ers. One taught my class a song and serenaded me. Swoon!!!
Another one spent time getting to know my BFFs - the way to my heart!
One showed up with Orchids and planned fun dates because he liked my energy!
Then there were the Non-Traditional Woo-ers I've met along the way. That's when my idea of romance evolved. I used to think romance had to do only with pretty things like flowers, perfume, candles or teddy bears.
But, I started to see that men Woo in all different ways. Some might build a shelf for my classroom, clean out my garage, put new brakes on my car, plunge a clogged toilet or sit in a hospital bed holding me for days.
Others might make really great egg sandwiches.
Then there are ones that try to Woo in a more... hands on way. One person I briefly dated offered to lick parts that never occurred to me might be lickable. I politely declined the offer, but kudos for going all in for the Wooing!
One gave me a gift that was so ridiculous it made me realize how ridiculous our whole relationship had gotten.
Wooing can really be symbolic of the type of relationship two people are developing. Maybe it's Traditional with dinners, flowers, candlelight. Maybe it's Extreme with bungee jumping and home makeover projects. Maybe it's Adventurous with Road Trips and exploring everything in all kinds of ways. Or maybe it is just fun and ridiculous and a distraction that you eventually outgrow. Or maybe it is a mix of it all and you grow old together enjoying life.
"In the end, the love you take ~ is equal to the love you make."
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