Eventually I met the dogs and realized they were just sweethearts that wanted to be my friend. As I got to know them better, I became particularly fond of Ash. She is so sweet and has these eyes that are so gentle and human like. It's hard not to fall for her routine of cuteness and give her tons of love.
Overtime I became more attached to Ash. One day she was on the losing end of a battle with her sister dog and when I heard the noise I went running outside. I saw her lying on the ground with blood all over her neck and some instinct in me kicked in. I ran over to her and wanted to carry her home to take care of her. Of course I couldn't lift her and she was inside of an electric fence so it wasn't all that graceful. But, Neighbor brought her over to my house and Bella and I cleaned her up and snuggled her. I felt this bond with her when she looked at me. Like she knew I got what she was feeling.
Ash ended up staying with us and becoming part of our pack. I am supposed the Pack Leader, but really she is our Furry Queen. Me and the kids and Oz and Dorothy have all fallen for the charms of this little dog. My brother too. He calls her The Unicorn because she is the most well behaved dog we have ever known. Neighbor has trained her so she is a great listener, but as time goes on she is training us.
The kids had begged for years for a dog. But, I am not really an animal loving person. Also, I don't do well with responsibility or commitment. So the thought of keeping something else alive seemed like just too much for me.
But, Ash is different. She is a kindred spirit. She is an older dog so her energy is low like mine. She understands personal boundaries. So even though she shadows me everywhere I go, she does not get right in my face or lick me without permission.
Her personality is a lot like mine too. We are small and stubborn. We both like to to play with the big dogs even though we get hurt in the process. And we don't really learn our lesson the first time around...or the second...or well at all. So we keep going back for more.
A few weeks after Ash moved in, we thought we would have her sister dog over for a play date.
BAD IDEA. Very bad. Within minutes together they were in a fight that looked like two lions on National Geographic ripping each other apart.
I did not stay calm. AT ALL. In fact, I was the exact opposite of calm.
Neighbor was holding his dog by her back legs and kept yelling at me to grabbed Ash's legs like a wheelbarrow and pull her out of the fight.
Ummm...no. I couldn't stick my hands into a dog fight. I had met a women once that lost a thumb breaking up a dog fight. I wasn't going to do it.
So I just screamed and screamed.
Ash was so bloody and I thought she was going to be dead. I just continued screaming until I finally got the courage to grab her legs and pull her.
Somehow we got in the house and I felt dazed. I know she is a dog. But, In my head she's a 2 month old baby. My mom and Neighbor both think that's nuts since in dog years she is older than me. But, in my gut, I feel this instinct that I need to protect this dog like she is a human that came from my womb. It is insane.
Even insaner was when I heard the cops at my front door. Three neighbors had called the cops thinking one of my kids was getting hurt. So when I opened the door, it wasn't just the 2 cops on my porch...but they were up and down the entire street. Once they saw that all of kids were ok, they calmed down a bit. But, it was a scary few minutes.
It was what my good friend refers to as... A Paper Pants Moment, as in "you are lucky you did not end up in the psych ward wearing paper pants."
Luckily, Oz loves Ash too. So he met me at the emergency vet. The conversation was funny when they had her registered as Oz's dog and I had to ask them to switch it cause she is my dog and he's my ex-husband. "Ohhh?? So he's just her emergency contact?" Yes something like that.
She healed quickly and fit right into the family. She spends her days sleeping on the furniture I swore I would never allow a dog on. She enjoys following me around and watching me put on my make up, get dressed, clean, drink coffee, sit, etc. She loves snuggling with the kids and licking Luccio's feet and face like he is her puppy. She likes to sneak into Cenzo's Teen Cave and eat leftover pizza crust.
She shows off when we put on her tutu and call her pretty.
And LOVES rides in the car. She is awful on leash but slowly we are teaching to walk "gentle" and "slow." I take her to abandoned parks where there is little chance of running into other dogs- just in case.
We have all agreed that she needs a longer name fit for a Princess, or for when she is in trouble. So we have crowned her... Ashlyn Rose. But, we still call her Ash most of the time.
I truly didn't think I could love having a dog. But, I do. She is great company. She listens to all my stories and knows all my secrets. She has endless love to give and that is just what this family of Goofballs needed. Cenzo said she gives him a reason to hang out with us instead of playing video games sometimes. Luccio said he didn't know he could love a person so much. I tried to explain to him that she isn't a person, but then we all laughed and laughed cause we remembered.. she is!
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