As she approaches turning 10, I feel like I can no longer look at her as the tiny toddler I dropped off that first day at school. It really hit me this summer that my Baby Doll is growing up.
She has been spending a ton of time with our Cousin and her baby aka Little Cute Man. She has taken to caring for Little Cute Man as a Helper, when my Cousin needs to get things done around the house. She holds, changes, feeds and plays with him. One day I went to pick her up and she was carrying that 1 year old on her hip like a pro. I was holding my breath as she trotted down the stairs with him. How can she be strong enough to lift him and keep her balance on the stairs when she is just a baby herself?? But, she quickly reminded me...SHE ISN’T A BABY ANYMORE.
I was still in disbelief until we babysat Little Cute Man together one night. Any time I went near him he cried and ran to Baby Doll. She had to pick him up and comfort him. She did all the care taking while I sat in the background.
That's when it hit me...SHE IS NOT A BABY ANYMORE!
She recently spent some overnights with our Cousin as well. In her absence, we all realized how much Baby Doll does around our house. I was late for work and forgot my bag that she would normally have packed for me and had waiting by the door. The frog and the dog looked at me expectantly as I rushed around that morning because she normally feeds them. the Twin Goofballs didn't take vitamins because their sister reminds them each morning. The dog poop didn't get scooped because she is is the only one that will do it without gagging and complaining (and because she earns money to buy more lip glosses.)
She organizes our bulletin boards with important papers and info we need for school, work and life. She is the only one that knows how to get onto the Wifi because she has the password on a post-it. She is the only one that thinks of lining the bathroom garbage can with a bag to make it easier to empty. She has an endless supply of envelopes she lets me borrow because I never remember to get them at the store. She taught the dog to problem solve with a new puzzle toy. She reminds everyone to brush their teeth at night...even the dog. She folds towels like a professional laundress. She always has a fresh Sharpie ready to label everything. She stocks the First Aid kit on a regular basis ( I didn't even know we HAD a first aid kit!) She has created a mixture of soap plus water so it dispenses the perfect foam and she refills it without being asked.
I'm not sure where she gets the organization and forethought. Certainly not from me or Oz.
But, I am thankful "she's got skills" as she says. Her teacher told us, "She has the beauty and the brains!"
I love hearing her insights too. She gives good advice, even if I don't ask for it. She is very quiet and reserved, but when she speaks watch out. She does not waste words.
For the most part she is positive when she offers her thoughts. But, she is vocal when it comes to her dislike of my bathing suit choices or certain men in my life. She has distinct qualities she likes in people and if you are dishonest or break a promise she will cross you off her list forever.
She has developed her own line of lip balm and is an
avid artist. She styles outfits like a Fashionista.
She hasn't decided yet what she will be in the future, but in the running: Teacher, Congresswoman, Lawyer, Doctor or Owner of a Cat Salon.
Whatever she may be, "I Will Love Her Forever and Like Her For Always!"