I have had a fear, actually a full out phobia, of mice for as long as I can remember. It actually started in the 7th grade when Mrs. A made us read The Pit and The Pendulum by Edgar Allen Poe. In the story a man is held prisoner and and puts food on the leather straps holding him so the rats will eat through it and he can escape. I read that and fear went right through me, the thought of rats being all over that man. UGHHHHH!!! The phobia became worse over the years. To the point where if I knew someone had mice in their house I couldn't visit. And at one point in my teen years we had mice in our attic one winter and I would sleep on the floor in my parent's room because I was so freaked out!!
So that gets me to my point that I am back to sleeping at my parent's because of fear of mice!! Yesterday the boys had their physical therapist come to the house and we went down to the playroom. I noticed what I thought was dirt tracked from our shoes. Then panic set in when the thought went through my mind that it may be mouse poop. We have lived in our house for 5 years and have never had a mouse. I diligently and obsessively y check for signs and always worry about the possibility. So I know for sure that this is a recent development. Luckily the evidence of the invasion was in our finished basement. So I quickly grabbed the boys and ran upstairs and barricaded the basement door. Honestly, I am thankful Gigi the therapist was there so I didn't go off the deep end with the boys there. After Gigi left I called my dad who left work to come over to inspect. Once he confirmed it was indeed mouse poop, I called an exterminator.
I called 7 exterminators and finally selected one that would get to my house within the hour. Luckily the guy was nice and although he probably thinks I am a "bit" loony, he reassured me that he would take care of the problem. Although he did say if there is one there is more and also that it can take a while to get rid of them. He didn't seen any signs of them upstairs and thinks its contained to the basement, but couldn't't guarantee that they wouldn't come upstairs. Although he said he is about 90% sure they won't.
90% isn't reassuring enough for me so the minute the exterminator left, I packed everything I could fit into my minivan and took the boys to my parents house. Hubby is going to be in a production this week at work so he is working late every night. The thought of sleeping alone in a house that may have a mouse or many mice is beyond what my brain can handle, especially pregnant. I need rest to say the least.
So we invaded Stregga and Papa's house last night!! We set up camp and had a sleepover. It's wonderful! The boys are having a ball. We stayed outside until 7 and Stregga cooked dinner and gave the boys their baths. When I got up this morning, Papa had french toast ready to serve us on the deck. Nice!!!!!! Like a real vacation!!!
In the meantime at home, the extermination process is happening and I have Hubby working on finding and plugging every possible hole into our house!!!
Since I don't know the time frame for how long this will take, I am thinking I will stay at Stregga and Papa's at least a few days until Hubby can be home with us. I will break the news to them day by day that we aren't leaving, I don't want to overwhelm them all at once!!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
MAJOR Meltdown

This morning I woke up all excited that I finally reached 11 weeks!! WOO HOO!! I felt good. I am just about at a safe point and the pregnancy is going good so I felt like I could take a deep breath and relax. Hubby had taken the boys for a walk so I had the morning to myself I was going to have my cup of tea and organize the boys' summer clothes. First I headed to the bathroom. And I nearly passed out when I saw blood. It was very light spotting, but it was there. I panicked. I called my doctor. I left a message with the on call service. I called a good friend of mine and I was nearly hyperventilating. Finally, the doc called me back. She said it sounded like it was probably nothing but that I could be seen through the ER and have an ultrasound to confirm that everything was ok. I was so hysterical that I was just off the wall. So I decided to wait until Hubby got home and then we brought the boys to my parent's house and headed for ER. We thought it would be best to get everything checked out.
Needless to say everyone was at the ER and I wasn't exactly top priority. So we waited for 3 hours and then luckily a doctor stumbled into my room by accident and I begged her to just get someone to ultrasound me. Another doc appeared with a portable ultrasound and confirmed that the baby is alive and well. The Bean even looks like a real baby. Arms and legs were moving and the Bean was turning and flipping around. It was very exciting and reassuring.
Then the doc did an internal exam and nearly gave me a heart attack when she said it seemed like my cervix was opened a bit. She called one of my docs who came in and said that ER docs always think everyone's cervix is opened a bit and she really reassured us that everything is probably fine. She said there is over a 90% chance that things will be ok. And if not it's too early to do anything about it anyway. So, we left with hope that the baby is great and the pregnancy will be fine. But, we also were given orders to call if anything changes or worsens and then I will go in to my docs office for re-evaluation.
All in all the 4 plus hours in the ER was worth it for the portraits of The Bean!!! And I am back to praying for a blood free pregnancy!
Mama's Day Out
I met up with my good friend Ms. Meeghan yesterday in Brattleboro, VT. Meeghan and I were roommates when we graduated college and worked for a volunteer corp. together. We worked as teachers in a school for economically and emotionally challenge children, hence the nicknames Miss Carrie and Miss Meeghan, it kind of stuck! We have stayed close over the years even though we live in different states. Brattelboro is the halfway point between us so we decided it would be a great place to meet up.
We shopped and ate and talked and talked and talked the day away. We are both pregnant and due 2 weeks apart. It is the third child for each of us. It was so much fun to compare notes and discuss ideas. And we bought a few baby things a the Carter's outlet!!
It was so nice to have time to catch up on everything happening in our lives. We brought ultrasound pictures, pics of the kids, books, all kinds of fun things to share!!
Brattleboro is a beautiful town. Great stores and restaurants. We even found a state park to hang out at and have a picnic.
At the end of the day it was sad to say goodbye. But, the day was great and so worth the drive!!
And the best part was Ms. Meeghan and her hubby, Mr TJ have asked Hubby and I to be their baby's Godparents!!! We are so honored!!!! It is always exciting to be a special part of a new life!!!
We shopped and ate and talked and talked and talked the day away. We are both pregnant and due 2 weeks apart. It is the third child for each of us. It was so much fun to compare notes and discuss ideas. And we bought a few baby things a the Carter's outlet!!
It was so nice to have time to catch up on everything happening in our lives. We brought ultrasound pictures, pics of the kids, books, all kinds of fun things to share!!
Brattleboro is a beautiful town. Great stores and restaurants. We even found a state park to hang out at and have a picnic.
At the end of the day it was sad to say goodbye. But, the day was great and so worth the drive!!
And the best part was Ms. Meeghan and her hubby, Mr TJ have asked Hubby and I to be their baby's Godparents!!! We are so honored!!!! It is always exciting to be a special part of a new life!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Boo Boos
It has been a crazy couple of days. Last week Hubby had been on vacation so it was fantastic!! I got to rest, the boys got extra attention, we went on fun day trips, etc. So Monday morning when I went in to get the boys out of bed, they asked where Daddy was. I told them he was at work and and Cenzo said, "Oh, you're here Mama?" It wasn't exactly a cheerful pronouncement.
So it's been an adjustment going back to our routine to say the least. Yesterday the boys were so bored by me that they even requested to go downstairs to the playroom alone. I can never talk them into staying in the playroom while I try to clean, but yesterday they demanded it. So I was quickly racing around trying to get the kitchen cleaned. After about 10 minutes I went to check on them and Cenzo assured me, "We not fighting Mama." And Luccio looked content.
No sooner do I walk back upstairs and Luccio starts crying. Now Luccio is always crying or yelling about something, usually because his brother took a toy or looked at him the wrong way. For the slightest infractions Luccio screams with the drama of a full blown crisis. So when I heard him crying I didn't really bat an eye. I just yelled down to ask if everyone was ok. I heard him saying, "Boo boo, I got boo boo." I was heading back toward the stairs still unsure if there was really a reason for him to be crying and Cenzo yells to me "Luccio needs kisses he got a boo boo, you better get down here right now!" Oh my God, my heart raced and I ran down the stairs and there was Luccio with a real boo boo. He had caught two of his fingers in the closet door and they were cut!! Blood and everything. I cleaned him up and gave him kisses. And the rest of the day we talked about the boo boo. I cannot tell you the guilt I felt. the boy had cried wolf so many times I really hadn't thought he was crying about more than a toy or something. I felt sick the rest of the day about it. Luckily this morning when he got up he tried to show me his boo boo and gave me the wrong hand, I took that as a sign that he felt better!!
This morning got off to another bad start. I woke up with a vicious bout of morning sickness. And in the midst of it, Cenzo was slamming the door of our entertainment center and cut his head on the corner of it!! It was bleeding so much. I cleaned and iced it and called the doc. He cried for a bit, but then settled down and let me check it out. It wasn't a very long cut, but it looked deep. The doc's office didn't have an opening for 2 hours! So I got everyone cleaned and dressed and then went to try to shower and dress myself. The morning sickeness got the best of me and I couldn't stop vomiting. I was tyring to hurry and I was so stressed. Finally I loaded the boys into the car and dropped Luccio off at my aunt;' house. I picked up Stregga to come with us to the doc.
Cenzo was so brave and didn't even cry as the doctor cleaned up the cut which was still bleeding 2 hours later. The doc said it wasn't as deep as he thought after it was cleaned so luckily it didn't need stitches. Instead he glued it! Cenzo held still and put on his bravest face. I was so proud of him.
Thankfully both boo boos were minor and I know being a mom of boys (or a mom in general) I have to get used to this, but it is their first injuries and it's heartbreaking for me. I feel enormous guilt!!! Mama guilt, ugh! It's the worst. I was so stressed today I felt like my head was going to explode. Luckily neither boy noticed and thankfully proceeded to take 3 hour naps. Once I rested I was like a new person!! And the boys had fun telling Hubby their battle stories of bravery when he got home!!
So it's been an adjustment going back to our routine to say the least. Yesterday the boys were so bored by me that they even requested to go downstairs to the playroom alone. I can never talk them into staying in the playroom while I try to clean, but yesterday they demanded it. So I was quickly racing around trying to get the kitchen cleaned. After about 10 minutes I went to check on them and Cenzo assured me, "We not fighting Mama." And Luccio looked content.
No sooner do I walk back upstairs and Luccio starts crying. Now Luccio is always crying or yelling about something, usually because his brother took a toy or looked at him the wrong way. For the slightest infractions Luccio screams with the drama of a full blown crisis. So when I heard him crying I didn't really bat an eye. I just yelled down to ask if everyone was ok. I heard him saying, "Boo boo, I got boo boo." I was heading back toward the stairs still unsure if there was really a reason for him to be crying and Cenzo yells to me "Luccio needs kisses he got a boo boo, you better get down here right now!" Oh my God, my heart raced and I ran down the stairs and there was Luccio with a real boo boo. He had caught two of his fingers in the closet door and they were cut!! Blood and everything. I cleaned him up and gave him kisses. And the rest of the day we talked about the boo boo. I cannot tell you the guilt I felt. the boy had cried wolf so many times I really hadn't thought he was crying about more than a toy or something. I felt sick the rest of the day about it. Luckily this morning when he got up he tried to show me his boo boo and gave me the wrong hand, I took that as a sign that he felt better!!
This morning got off to another bad start. I woke up with a vicious bout of morning sickness. And in the midst of it, Cenzo was slamming the door of our entertainment center and cut his head on the corner of it!! It was bleeding so much. I cleaned and iced it and called the doc. He cried for a bit, but then settled down and let me check it out. It wasn't a very long cut, but it looked deep. The doc's office didn't have an opening for 2 hours! So I got everyone cleaned and dressed and then went to try to shower and dress myself. The morning sickeness got the best of me and I couldn't stop vomiting. I was tyring to hurry and I was so stressed. Finally I loaded the boys into the car and dropped Luccio off at my aunt;' house. I picked up Stregga to come with us to the doc.
Cenzo was so brave and didn't even cry as the doctor cleaned up the cut which was still bleeding 2 hours later. The doc said it wasn't as deep as he thought after it was cleaned so luckily it didn't need stitches. Instead he glued it! Cenzo held still and put on his bravest face. I was so proud of him.
Thankfully both boo boos were minor and I know being a mom of boys (or a mom in general) I have to get used to this, but it is their first injuries and it's heartbreaking for me. I feel enormous guilt!!! Mama guilt, ugh! It's the worst. I was so stressed today I felt like my head was going to explode. Luckily neither boy noticed and thankfully proceeded to take 3 hour naps. Once I rested I was like a new person!! And the boys had fun telling Hubby their battle stories of bravery when he got home!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Spot Check
I am 10 weeks pregnant today! But, I am still falling into "spot check mode." Those of you who have ever experienced a miscarriage can probably relate to this. Spot checking means that every time you go to the bathroom (which can be about a trillion times a day in the first trimester) you are checking for signs of spotting or blood. I have had two early miscarriages between the 6-8th weeks. And even in my pregnancy with the boys I had variations from spotting to full on gushes (sorry TMI) There were even 2 occasions with the boys where I ended up in the emergency room for bleeding convinced I was miscarrying, once at 14 weeks and once at 18. The doc explained each time that it wasn't threatening the pregnancy and that some people are "bleeders." Ughhhh.
So this time I was sure it would be similar and I have been waiting and checking constantly. My OB laughed when I mentioned it to him and said that "normal" pregnancies don't include bleeding, so it's good that I haven't found anything yet and that I am having a "boring, uneventful pregnancy" and he hopes it continues. Me too!!!
Still I can't help the instinct to spot check. Last week I was walking around and I felt a gush and I ran into the bathroom. And thankfully I had just peed my pants. So I knocked on wood (good thing we went for the wooden toilet seat) and made the sign of the cross and thanked God it wasn't blood.
And then, I thought...Wait! Really?? Am I thankful that I just peed my pants??
Zoo Day
The weather was fantastic, so sunny and warm, spring finally arrived!!!! And everyone had the same idea as we did so the parking lot was packed and the line was so long!! Bu, it was worth the wait to get into the zoo and see the boys 's faces light up when they saw the animals!! Thy loved the wolves, the peacocks and the bear. But, their favorites were the ducks. We sat by the duck pond for a long time and they were laughing and calling to the duck and just got such a kick out of watching them splash around. Hubby and I laughed because we could have gone to the park for free and watched the ducks play, but well...its the experience of going to the zoo that counts, right??
They loved the ice cream break and the visit to the gift shop too, it was like a real vacation packed into a couple hours!
Easter Festivities

We spent Good Friday at a local Shrine (outdoor church) and walked the Stations of the Cross with friends. It was a beautiful day and the boys were able to keep up with trekking through the woods for over an hour walk without their stroller, a major milestone! That afternoon we went to Zhaz's house (my aunt and Vincenzo's godmother) for Easter Egg coloring with the cousins. It was so much fun!! I didn't realize the dye would not be washable like the paints we use at home so the boys left with their hands looking as green as The Hulk!
On Easter Sunday we started the day off at Stregga and Pap's house. WE had a yummy brunch with french toast casserole and egg casserole and potatoes and all kinds of delicious foods!! Then we tried to have an outdoor egg hunt, but it was freezing!! So we hurried to find a few eggs and then ran indoors, the eggs are still in Stregga's yard, we will get there eventually to finish the hunt, LOL!!
We ended our Easter celebrations at Gandma and Papa's house. We had a nice dinner and an indoor egg hunt! The boys really enjoyed playing with their cousins!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Holy Thursday
In the past I was a Campus Minster at a college and so the Holy Week and Easter celebrations were a big deal. Now that I am a stay at home mom life has certainly changed. No more all-night adorations, retreats, or hours of reflection (or any reflection, LOL!)
Anyway getting to Church with 2 two years old with loud voices and attention spans of a few minutes hasn't really worked well for us yet. So last night instead of dragging everyone to a 90 minute Mass for Holy Thursday, I decided we would have our own celebration at home.
We held a Holy Thursday service in our living room. Stregga joined us for "Washing of the Feet" and "Breaking Bread" together. We set up a big purple sheet on the carpet. And I brought out a cross and a beautiful Easter book about Jesus that Stregga had given the boys. I showed the boys picture of Jesus's feet in sandals and explained how he walked everywhere so his feet got dirty. Then I told the story of how Jesus wanted to show his friends how to take care of each other by washing one anothers feet. Then we used a pitcher of warm water and a large bowl and took turns washing each other's feet and drying them with towels. The boys really got into it!
Next we talked about how Jesus shared food with this friends and then we shared pieces of bread and cups of juice with each other.
Then we took turns holding the cross and saying what we were thankful for. Surprisingly the boys really liked this part.
I think their favorite part was when I gave them palms to wave. They were waving away and then using them to "tickle" each other!!
It was nice to take time to celebrate Holy Week with my boys! Of course it was condensed into about 15 minutes, but it amazed me how much they payed attention and were able to understand. And they seemed to have genuine interest.
Anyway getting to Church with 2 two years old with loud voices and attention spans of a few minutes hasn't really worked well for us yet. So last night instead of dragging everyone to a 90 minute Mass for Holy Thursday, I decided we would have our own celebration at home.
We held a Holy Thursday service in our living room. Stregga joined us for "Washing of the Feet" and "Breaking Bread" together. We set up a big purple sheet on the carpet. And I brought out a cross and a beautiful Easter book about Jesus that Stregga had given the boys. I showed the boys picture of Jesus's feet in sandals and explained how he walked everywhere so his feet got dirty. Then I told the story of how Jesus wanted to show his friends how to take care of each other by washing one anothers feet. Then we used a pitcher of warm water and a large bowl and took turns washing each other's feet and drying them with towels. The boys really got into it!
Next we talked about how Jesus shared food with this friends and then we shared pieces of bread and cups of juice with each other.
Then we took turns holding the cross and saying what we were thankful for. Surprisingly the boys really liked this part.
I think their favorite part was when I gave them palms to wave. They were waving away and then using them to "tickle" each other!!
It was nice to take time to celebrate Holy Week with my boys! Of course it was condensed into about 15 minutes, but it amazed me how much they payed attention and were able to understand. And they seemed to have genuine interest.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Anti-Comfort Food
When I was pregnant with the boys I was would have late afternoon bouts of nausea and maybe dinner would look unappetizing. But, I was working full-time and would pack a huge lunch bag full of breakfast, lunch and snacks and at the end of the day it would be gone. And I would indulge in my fave comfort foods like cheese, carbs, sundaes and Doritos
Not with The Bean. Oh no, the nausea doesn't come and go, it stays all day and night with more fierce waves at different times of the day. I feel like I am riding on a boat. I even dream at night that ocean waves and tsunamis are hitting me.
Bean doesn't like my fave comfort foods like Kraft Mac & Cheese, Dunkin Donuts iced coffee, provolone cheese, pizza, pasta with red sauce or anything with butter. And forget sweets or Doritos. Bean reacts with a vengeance to most meals or snacks!
The only foods The Bean seems remotely willing to tolerate are mashed potatoes, saltines and sour green apples. Yum.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Who is that Guy?
Lat week Cenzo was sitting with me in the rocking chair in his room. He looked up at the cross hanging on his wall and said, "Who is that guy, Santa Claus?" I said, "No." So he guessed again and said, "God??" He is a little confused because he knows God had something to do with the fact that we gave our family and friends gifts at Christmas. Now that Easter has arrived he will probably wonder if Jesus is the Easter Bunny too. Umm...yeah. I think we need to get to church more often
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Breaking News: My 3 Muses!!!

At my first ultrasound The Little Bean measured right on target and the heart rate was 139!
The picture is a little fuzzy and The Bean basically looks like a blob, but the heart fluttering was unmistakably beautiful!!! Everyone we have told has asked #1-is it just one this time?? And #2- is it a girl?? So here is the info we have so far, Yes, it's one baby. And at this point we are just thankful it's heart is beating. However, I am a planner and a "bit" impatient so we will find out the gender if possible but it will probably another 10-15 weeks. I will keep you posted on that and all things pregnancy for the next several months!
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